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Telehealth EBP Video Demonstrations

Counselor Michael talking to client ShawnThese Telehealth EBP Video Demonstrations intend to show how a diverse set of clinical practitioners make use of evidenced based practices (EBP) in a telehealth environment.

The impetus for these videos came from a provider survey and our organization partners who identified “Clinical Demonstration” as a needed product, especially with the recent pivot toward telehealth.

The series follows "Shawn Adams," a 49-year-old mock client who has a polysubstance use disorder that includes opioids and marijuana. The onset of his opioid use disorder followed a bicycle accident where he injured his back and became dependent on pain medication. As a result, he lost his job and house and experiences significant depression and grief. Shawn is a treatment-naïve person and is receiving SUD services for the first time.

The demonstrations follow a client through a course of substance use disorder care, starting with a crisis, admission to IOP treatment, and a recurrence of use in outpatient treatment, and ending with connecting to a recovery coach for long term planning. Each video will demonstrate an evidence based practice used at different points in the client’s care.

The videos below can be viewed as stand-alone or in sequence. We trust viewers to make use of these videos as a personal resource or teaching tools in your clinic or practice. A set of Telehealth MOUD Video Demonstrations can also be found on our Telehealth Video Demonstrations webpage

Video Demonstrations

Produced by the Northwest ATTC (SAMHSA grant no. TI080201), in co-sponsorship with the Behavioral Health Institute. We thank the Pacific Southwest ATTC for conceptual contributions to the development of this client character and clinical scenario, and Marcos Sauri, Michael Braxton, Michelle Peavy, and Dana Francis for their contributions to the production of this series. 
