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Test Page Topic Harm Reduction

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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Introduction to Substance Use Disorder

A new course titled Introduction to Substance Use Disorders is now open. This course offers a certificate of completion, as well as NAADAC, NASW, CNE, and CHES. Introduction to Substance Use Disorders is a 2-hour, self-paced course that provides a science-based introduction to substance use, substance use disorders (SUDs), and SUD treatment. It was designed for undergraduate, graduate and health professions students and practitioners who do not have a background in addictions.
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Harm Reduction Related Resources

Harm Reduction Awareness for Latino Communities - Infographic

This snapshot of information is intended to provide a quick resource to individuals, parents, professionals, and providers on Harm Reduction Awareness for the Latino population. Español CREANDO CONCIENCIA SOBRE LA REDUCCION DE DAÑOS EN LAS COMUNIDADES LATINAS Esta reseña tiene como objetivo proporcionar recursos a individuos, padres, profesionales y proveedores sobre como crear conciencia de la Reducción de Daños en la población Latina. Português CONSCIENTIZAÇÃO PARA REDUÇÃO DE DANOS PARA COMUNIDADES LATINAS Esta síntese de informações destina-se a fornecer recursos para indivíduos, pais, profissionais e provedores sobre Conscientização para Redução de Danos para Latinos

Harm Reduction Efforts in Idaho (webinar)

This presentation reviewed the philosophy of harm reduction as an intervention for substance use disorder and will examine the trajectory of harm reduction programming in Idaho since the legalization of syringe services in 2019.  A few learning objectives:  Be able to identify multiple forms of harm reduction as it pertains to a variety of potentially risky behaviors. Be able to reframe substance use from a harm reduction model. Be able to identify the benefits of a syringe service program and other harm reduction interventions to an individual and a community. Increase knowledge about the implementation and growth of harm reduction programs in Idaho. About the presenter: Marjorie Wilson, LMSW, MPH, is the Executive Director and co-founder of Idaho Harm Reduction Project (IHRP). IHRP is a drug user health program offering a syringe service program, naloxone distribution program, and HIV/HCV testing. Since 2019, IHRP has served the whole state through its mail-based services and has distributed supplies into all of Idaho's 44 counties. Download slides | Watch recording

Harm Reduction Perceptions, Practices, and Training/Technical Assistance Needs Among Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Service Providers in HHA Region 8

In spring of 2023, Mountain Plains ATTC conducted a survey in an effort to better understand the training and technical assistance needs of individuals providing SUD treatment and recovery services in Region 8. The purpose of the survey was to determine providers’ perceptions, practices, and training/technical assistance needs, specifically in relation to harm reduction (HR) services/activities for SUDs. An invitation to participate in the survey was emailed posted on the Mountain Plains ATTC website and was sent to all constituents within Region 8 for which the Mountain Plains ATTC had email addresses. In addition, participants were asked to invite others within their agencies and networks to participate. The survey was completed between March 9 to April 12, 2023. Approval to conduct the survey was obtained from the University of North Dakota Institutional Review Board. Results from this survey will help Mountain Plains ATTC better collaborate with providers and stakeholders throughout the region in the development of new products, training materials, and technical assistance. It is also hoped that this report will provide readers with a snapshot of the perceptions, practices, and technical assistance/training needs of the SUD provider services workforce in Region 8.

Harm Reduction Poster

Mid-America ATTC partnered with Facente Consulting to launch a harm reduction consultation pilot program in early 2022.  The goal of this program was to act as a harm reduction resource to empower individuals and organizations seeking to implement or improve evidence-based practices within their systems to reduce stigma and promote the safety and well-being of people who use drugs. The poster outlines the findings of the pilot program.

Building Bridges Between Harm Reduction and Treatment for People with Substance Use Disorders - Part Two (Webinar)

In recent years, there has been growing support for a harm reduction approach to drug policy, which emphasizes reducing some of the negative consequences associated with drug use through a variety of public health measures. Historically, this approach has been a core value of syringe service programs, expanding into other settings particularly as rising overdose deaths have made educating people about overdose risks and distributing naloxone more urgent. This two-part workshop will explore how harm reduction is evolving, different interpretations of what harm reduction is (or isn’t), and ways to build bridges between harm reduction services and the continuum of care for people who use drugs. Discussion topics will include how harm reduction providers are offering or connecting participants to various types of treatment, broadly defined, and how treatment providers are incorporating harm reduction strategies into their services.

handouts for TOR Webinar: Harm Reduction in Native Communities

  Please join us for this Tribal Opioid Response webinar! Joel Chisholm, MD, (Bay Mills Band of Ojibwe) Behavioral Health Medical Director at the Cherokee Indian Hospital (Eastern Band), discusses harm reduction efforts in Native communities.

Becoming a Harm Reductionist (webinar)

Presenter: Callan Fockele, MD, MS, Harborview Medical Center December 2021 This presentation described Dr. Fockele's current work using community-based participatory research to implement harm reduction inside and outside the emergency department. She focused on her recent partnership with Public Health—Seattle & King County, the Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute, the Harm Reduction Research & Treatment Center, and the Public Defender Association to establish the Council of Expert Advisors on Drug Use (CEADU), which is composed of local people with lived experience. As a co-investigator on two pilot projects inspired by the passage of Washington State Senate Bill 5476, Dr. Fockele is working with CEADU to create an implementation toolkit that integrates take-home naloxone, buprenorphine treatment, and HIV/hepatitis C testing into first-responder programs while also adapting the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model to improve encounters between first responders and people who use drugs. Download slides