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This is Part 1 of a two-part webinar series titled: The Intersection of Traditional Medicine and Behavioral Health in the Latinx Community.
This Webinar will emphasize Curanderismo, the art of traditional medicine, practiced in many parts of the USA, Mexico, Latin America and several countries around the world. The Webinar will explore an integrative approach to traditional medicine featuring demonstrations that incorporate Curanderismo with various traditional and holistic health techniques. Curanderismo will be described with its influences and history. Some of the methods and techniques of the usage of medicinal plants and rituals and their integration into behavioral health addressing body, mind and spirit/energy will be discussed. Video snippets of well know healers from the U.S., Mexico, Afro-Cuba, and Afro-Puerto Rico will demonstrate healing modalities such as medicinal plants for the nervous system; ventosas/fire cupping, limpias espirituales/energeticas/spiritual/energetic cleansings; risaterapia/laugh therapy and temazcal/sweat lodge. At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will appreciate that to be healthy, you should have a balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.