You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

TOR Resource Page

Tribal Opioid Response Resources

This is a resource page of training and technical assistance opportunities for groups that have already been awarded grants through the Tribal Opioid Response (TOR) Program. It contains resources that you will find helpful in planning and implementing your tribe's opioid response while also satisfying all SAMHSA grant requirements. We recommend reviewing each of the materials available here closely.

For an overview of the goals and objectives of the TOR program and its requirements, please view our orientation PowerPoint, "Grantee TA Orientation Meeting." A recording of this orientation meeting is also available here.

If you have questions that are not related to training or technical assistance, please contact your Government Program Officer (GPO).

If you do have questions about training or technical assistance, please send an email to our staff at [email protected].  You can also create a request for technical assistance by using the short form at this link.


Getting Started: Project Orientation and Implementation Materials

Grant Management Resources

  1. NEW TOR 2021 GPRA Data Collection Handout
  2. NEW TOR Grant Planning Session Handout
  3. TOR Implementation Plan
  4. TOR Project Director Job Description
  5. TOR Outreach Director Job Description
  6. TOR Director Interview Questions
  7. 2018 TOR Work Activities Planning Template
  8. 2020 TOR Work Activities Planning Template
  9. NEW Guidance on Spending Your Grant Funds
  10. NEW Grantee Webinar Navigating eRA 2021 Handout
  11. NEW Great Plains TTC Regional Meeting Slides, 07/19/2021
  12. NEW TOR Webinar Kratom Slides, 07/28/2021


Set For Success

  1. Creating a Welcoming Environment for Patients
  2. Contingency Management Incentive Ideas for Native Patients
  3. Important Distinctions between Opioid Misuse and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  4. Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Innovations in Native American Communities


Topics for TOR Programs

COVID-19 Resources

  1. FAQs: Provision of methadone and buprenorphine for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in the COVID-19 Emergency
  2. COVID-19: Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
  3. Reduce your risk of serious lung disease caused by corona virus by quitting smoking and vaping


Medication-Assisted Treatment

  1. MAT Policy Example
  2. Guidance for Law Enforcement and First Responders Administering Naloxone
  3. XR-Naltrexone: A Step-by-Step Guide
  4. Healing Tool: Guide for addressing behavioral health goals in Native communities


  1. Indigenous and Strengths-Based Approaches To Address Opioid Misuse
  2. A Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders
  3. Case Study: Supporting Pregnant Women with OUD and their Infants
  4. Prescription Drug Summit Update 2019
  5. Mystic Lake TA Proceedings Document
  6. The Opioid Crisis: Impact on Native American Communities
  7. Your Guide to Integrating HCV Services into Opioid Treatment Programs
  8. The American Society of Addiction Medicine's Sample OUD Policy and Procedure Manual


Specific for American Indian / Alaska Native Communities:

  1. Community Outreach Posters for your Behavioral Health Program
  2. CDC and Indian Country Working Together
  3. SAMHSA Report: Substance Use and Mental Health Issues among US-Born American Indians or Alaska Natives Residing on and off Tribal Lands
  4. TEC's Strategic Planning Toolkit
  5. Guided Imaging Visualization
  6. Native Connections: Opioid Misuse and Overdose Prevention in Native Communities
  7. National Congress of American Indians: Opioid Initiative
  8. National Congress of American Indians Policy research center: Update on the Opioid Epidemic March 2018
  9. National Congress of American Indians Policy research center: Responding to the Opioid Crisis: An Update for Tribal Leaders 2017
  10. Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board: Opioid community resources
  11. National Indian Health Board: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
  12. Research: Drug, Opioid-Involved, and Heroin-Involved Overdose Deaths Among American Indians and Alaska Natives,Washington,1999 - 2015
  13. Research: Urban-rural Differences in Drug Overdose Death Rates, by Sex, Age, and Type of Drugs Involved, 2017
  14. Research: Characteristics and Current Clinical Practices of Opioid Treatment Programs in the US, Drug Alcohol Dependence, 2019
  15. National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda
  16. National Congress of American Indians: News and Resources in Indian Country
  17. NEW Tribal Peer Recovery Support Services Community of Practice Sessions

  18. NEW American Indian and Alaska Native Grandfamilies Webinar

  19. NEW Template: "Honoring Our Sacred Heritage" Poster Campaign


Relevant Resources Non-Specific to American Indian / Alaska Native Communities

  1. Addressing Stigma
  2. OUD Treatment Overview
  3. USDA Launches Interactive Map of Opioid Epidemic Resources
  4. SAMHSA Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
  5. White House Youth Opioid Prevention Toolkit
  6. Department of Health and Human Services Opioid Toolkit
  7. Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Preventing Opioid Abuse, Overdose and Suicide
  8. Dose of Reality
  9. IHS HOPE Newsletter October 2019
  10. The Opioid Response Network (ORN) & Faces & Voices of Recovery online regional trainings in June through September 2021
  11. NEW Embracing & Engaging Key Systems to Support Children and Families Affected by Addiction

  12. NEW  COSSAP Webinar: Incorporating Fentanyl Test Strips In Community Substance Use Programming 8/4/2021 2:00-3:00 p.m., EST

  13. NEW Facilitating Recovery for Parents and Children Impacted by Addiction

