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Housing with Special Populations, Part 2

Safe, stable, and affordable housing is increasingly recognized as a vital part of recovery. What role can substance use disorder treatment and recovery programs play in providing this essential need for their clients? Find out the basics of housing and how to get started in this 6-session virtual learning community series! By the end of session 3, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the history of inequality in the housing system.
  • Discuss special considerations in supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness, veterans, people with severe mental health issues, and older adults.
  • Determine key stakeholders to collaborate with in supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness, veterans, people with severe mental health issues, and older adults.

This series is a collaboration among the HHS Region 7  Technology Transfer Centers (Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center [ATTC]Prevention Technology Transfer Center [PTTC], and Mental Health Technology Transfer Center [MHTTC]).
